Development of Telegram games

Telegram games are gaining more and more popularity, opening the new opportunities both for players and game developers. Starting from 2016 when the first telegram games have just appeared they have evolutionized quite a lot, now providing the variety from really simple mini-apps to more complex with the diverse mechanics, engagement and retention models. We’ve dived into the topic and gathered here some of our experience from porting our owns games and creating telegram games for our clients: 

There are lots of reasons to break into this new growing market since it offers a lot of benefits:

  • Ease of development/porting to telegram and fast time to market test. If you want to test your idea on the market, you can do it really fast with the right game development team who has the experience in developing or porting games to telegram. There are a lot of options: you can start with developing simple mini-game or if you already have game, you can create the extension to it or it’s light version. The strategy will depend on your business goals and we are happy to provide recommendation here. We know how important it is to develop and test the product fast and have the modular system with lots of ready to use solutions that allows us to achieve the time frames impossible for our competitors. 
  • Cross-platform accessibility. Telegram is cross-platform and so its games.
  • Lower cost-per-user. Thanks to the instant access to the game and no need to install the application, the cost-per-user is lower making it easier to scale your audience. 
  • Great retaining mechanisms. Game bot telegram used smartly, blockchain used to reward players for playing, news channels and notifications through messages – just some of the examples that already proved to be effective.
  • New technologies and broader audience acquisition opportunities. As mentioned previously, blockchain is often used for rewarding players with tokens for playing the game, thus providing really good retention as well as new audience acquisition (let’s say web3 enthusiasts, who are beyond your original target audience of the game genre). Sometimes developers also create light version of their main game or the extension to their game to easily acquire, entertain and retain the new audience, then step by stem converting this audience and monetising it already in the main game/full version of the game beyond the telegram.  

What about the genres? 

While there are analytics available and you can explore the trends of the market, do not hurry up just to repeat their experience. Let’s discuss your business goals, budget, time frames and already available resources if there are any to see how we can get the most out of your new telegram game exactly in your situation. You may be interested in creating the telegram game from scratch or maybe looking into the ways  to scale up your existing gaming product or bring gamification into your non-gaming product. You may target the audience who likes more simple games, time-killers or more complex immersive worlds, rich narratives, or strategic gameplay or sense of community. So, to define the genre:

  • Define your business goals
  • Define available resources and time frames
  • Define your target audience
  • Define the technologies and instruments needed for achieving set goals

We are happy to get into discussion with you and help with all of the above. 

Developing the telegram game process doesn’t differ much from developing any other game. Once your business goals are defined: 

  • We are sending your the initial game design document for approval and once everything is approved kicking off the process promptly
  • We split our work on sprints and deliver the builds every 1-2 weeks supporting the transparent and clear development process with the client through all the path on a daily basis
  • We not only develop products but also launch them: know all the aspects of every platform and their requirements and publishing processes
  • We have rich experience with analytics, LiveOps and marketing

In our opinion now it is the right time to start developing your telegram game and gaining the benefits of this growing market. Don’t miss the chance to break into the market, expand your audience and gain the additional sources of revenue. With the right approach, game design, UI, graphics, engagement and retention mechanisms you have all the chances to succeed. And we are here to help you with your goals.

Read our article about our own experience of porting our games to Telegram here.

Years in game development
Experts and professionals
Mobile and social games developed
Web3 projects delivered
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